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Conquest Publishing

Conquest Publishing is an independent, innovative, traditional publisher founded by authors who understand the passion and care that goes into writing a book. Our goal is to give your emotionally immersive story a home and help you share it with readers who will love it just as much as you do. We work closely with our authors throughout the entire publishing process to ensure the highest quality product possible, while also being accessible and friendly throughout.

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ARCs Available for the Following New Releases
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Image by Kristina Flour
The Funeral Director's Wife

Romantic Thriller

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Releasing September 2024
closes August 3, 2024

The Hound of Thornfield High

YA Contemporary Romance

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Releasing November 2024
Closes October 18th

Image by Anna Keibalo
Strange Bedfellows

literary romance

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Releasing October 2024
Closes September 3rd

Image by Micah Tindell
The Cruelty of Magic

High Fantasy

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Releasing October 2024
Closes September 14th

The Human Touch

Conquest Publishing is concerned with the growing use of AI-generated art and content within today's publishing industry. As such, we pledge that none of our designs (cover or social media) or content (press releases, blurbs, advertising copies) are completed using Artificial Intelligence. At Conquest we support authors and artists fully, and appreciate the artistic efforts of humans. Because of this stance, Conquest Publishing will not accept AI-generated content in any form for publication under our traditional contracts. While we can’t be certain if an author used AI-generated content, we will be adding this to our contracts moving forward. We will continue to stay on top of the situation as it develops.

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